Kimberlee Ruzycki is a board certified healthy lifestyle coach who works with clients personally to reach their goals through nutrition and adapting healthy habits for sustainable success.
She also does workplace wellness talks, teaches plant-based cooking classes and speaks professionally on health and wellness topics.
She offers:
7 Day Custom Meal Plan $75
Feeling overwhelmed with what to eat and what to make? This week long meal plan is customized exactly for you taking into consideration any allergies, intolerances, restrictions, likes and dislikes. It can be geared towards weight loss, healthier eating habits or whatever you are needing for your health. Each meal plan comes with full recipes and a categorized grocery list.
4 Month Nutrition & Healthy Lifestyle Coaching
Ready to ditch diets for good? Ready for a health plan that actually works with YOUR life. There is no one size fits all in health and wellness and that is why this coaching program is customized for you. We set your goals and then create a plan to successfully reach them and keep them. We will discuss nutrition, physical activity, sleep, stress and self care. We will have 8 one hour sessions every two weeks. After each session you will receive a follow up email with notes from the session as well as recommendations and resources based on our discussion. You will also have support from me throughout the entire program for any questions or support you need.